The Bill’s Official Parliament Page
A few weeks ago I started writing a post on the Digital Economy Bill, and my take on what the implications the bill would have. A few weeks later, the bill has changed, I’ve been ill, and my brain refuses to co-operate with me. So, instead, I’ve deiced instead to compile a master post of The Digital Economy Bill links and resources.
Pandora Blake
- An activist, and phenomenal content producer.
- Twitter: @PandoraBlake Website: Patreon:
Notable posts by Pandora Blake:
- How will the Digital Economy Bill affect sex workers? [Video]
- Digital Economy Act 2017 receives Royal Assent
- The Adult Provider Network discusses problems with the Digital Economy Bill
- Age verification: The Digital Economy Bill and what it means
- The final shape of the Digital Economy Bill
Open Rights Group
- Challenging the government on threats to digital rights.
- Twitter: @OpenRightsGroup Website:
- Digital Economy Bill Hub
Myles Jackman
- Fighting against censorship, an expert in obscenity law.
- Twitter: @MylesJackman Website: Patreon:
- Twitter: #DEBill
- Wikipedia Page (Please don’t use this as your only source of info!)
- Porn Censorship Protest Outside Parliament
What can you do?
Write to your MP. Tweet about the bill. Sign petitions. Tell your friends.
Information is power, and at the moment even though the bill is now law not many people know what the bill is, or what it’s about to do. Granted, for some porn and sexuality is embarrassing to talk about, but that is what the government is banking on. The only way anything will change is if people talk about it.
My Thoughts
Prop60 was an amazing example of how an industry came together to fight a government impinging on personal freedom. The Digital Economy bill had no such backing. The bill is sandwiched in between issues no one wants to stop passing. It’s also a bill that targets minority communities, or the communities seen as less desirable – the elderly, and the disabled, and finally, the ‘outcasts’ if you will – the porn industry. Alongside this, there’s Brexit, and now another election. Whatever your political position, as far as many see it this bill pales in comparison to what the government is currently dealing with. It will be swept up with many minor bills that will impact many.
I got into this industry because I love the freedom and creative expression that comes with it. Now, my creativity, voice, and ability to earn money as a producer, but also as someone who can’t physically do a 9-5 job, are about to be restricted. I have no clue how my business will suffer under this bill, or if I’ll be able to continue earning an amount that will allow me to access better (sometimes private) healthcare, education, and food for my dietary requirements.
The bottom line, I’m terrified. And you should be too. Some have called porn the equivalent of a canary in the coal mine. After all, once they start censoring the acts you see on screen between two consensual adults, whether or not you agree with them, how long until they realise they can – and will, censor more?