August 3, 2020 The Cup Has Some Kinks Menstrual cups are trendy right now. They are hailed as an affordable, environmentally friendly way to manage menstruation.
July 20, 2020 Taryn De Vere: making masks for sex workers in rural Ireland. Taryn De Vere, a sex-positive artist, from Australia, lives in one of the most conservative parts of Ireland.
August 12, 2018 Don’t brush off my ovulation pain. It’s an aching gnawing pain that makes me press my hand to my stomach. I was told that this was perfectly normal. READ MORE
July 29, 2018 It’s okay if you’re exhausted by sex toys. Contrary to popular belief, you *can* get tired of sex toys. READ MORE
March 5, 2019 Relearning how to masturbate. Pleasure demands to be fulfilled through release, but what happens when you've forgotten how to find release? READ MORE
by Ruby Rousson October 20, 2021 Guides/Sex, Fetish & BDSM Exploring Sexuality and All it Has to Offer
by Ruby Rousson July 15, 2021 Articles/Sex and Disability You don’t have to masturbate. The pressure of pleasure.
by Jenny July 2, 2021 Guides/Sex, Fetish & BDSM 5 Things You Can Do To Enhance Your Masturbation Time